Contraindications and medical conditions are very important when it comes to clients treatments and assessments.

The light source flashed in a random pattern.

Sufferers of epileptic seizures should not be treated unless authorised by a medical practitioner!

As the BODY Boost Bed is used to irradiate the entire body and in fact encloses the client, sufferers of claustrophobia  should attempt to use the bed only under supervision!

Other contraindications to consider are:

✓ Physical and psychological disease casting doubt on the capacity to consent

✓ Acute or prior cancer

✓ Acute skin disease requiring dermatological treatment

✓ Pregnancy and/or lactation

✓ History of photosensitivity or recent use of photosensitizing medication

✓ Local corticosteroids treatment

✓ Children  under 7 years of age

✓ Maximal weight of user 135 kg



See link to our articles for more on red light therapy and the benefits.